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Importance of Choosing the Right Footwear for Children: Introducing IFME, Japan’s leading kids shoe brand.

As parents, we always seek to find the best and healthiest option for our children. For the most this focus circles around food and nutrition, the amount of time they spend online vs. playing outdoors or the influence of social company. However there is one more avenue of a child’s early growth that requires attention and a mindful decision making, which is our approach to the foot health of our children.

In an effort to promote foot health and overall wellness among children in the UAE, Kenkoh has partnered with IFME, a leading Japanese shoe brand for babies & kids.

Why Early Footwear Choices Matter

The shoes children wear during their formative years play a crucial role in their overall physical development. Poorly designed footwear can lead to various foot problems, including improper foot alignment, reduced mobility, and even long-term health issues. Hence, selecting the right shoes is essential to support natural foot growth and promote overall wellness.

The Role of IFME and Kenkoh

Founded in 1949 in Shizuoka, Japan, Kenkoh has long been recognized for its commitment to foot health, particularly through its reflexology-inspired sandals. These sandals, with their unique foot-bed design featuring over 1,000 rubber nodules, stimulate reflex points to improve circulation, reduce foot fatigue, and promote natural body alignment.

Building on this expertise, Kenkoh’s partnership with IFME, which has been dedicated to children’s foot development since 2000, brings a wealth of knowledge and innovation to the UAE. As a subsidiary of Marubeni Corporation, a Fortune Global 500 company, IFME leverages extensive research and cutting-edge technology to create shoes that support natural foot growth and development.

Aligning with UAE’s Health Goals

This launch is not just a retail expansion; it aligns with the UAE’s focus on preventative healthcare and public health initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality of life. By providing well-designed, health-focused footwear, Kenkoh and IFME contribute to these health objectives, ensuring that children have the right foundation for their physical development.

Where to Find IFME

Parents can find IFME’s collections at Kenkoh stores located in Marina Mall Abu Dhabi, Dubai Festival City Mall, and the Japanese Pavilion at Global Village. This availability ensures that families across the UAE have easy access to high-quality, health-focused footwear for their children.


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